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Drinking water

Maintain your fluid balance by drinking sufficient water each day. The human body is approximately 60% water. This water is used for countless processes within the body. Every day, however, we lose around 2.5 litres of fluid as a result of sweating, urination, defecation and respiration. To prevent dehydration, the body needs to be replenished with sufficient fluids each day. In addition to the fluid that we consume via our food, it is important to make sure that we drink enough. Water is ideal, as it does not contain any calories and is therefore more healthy than soft drinks, for example.

Water and your health

There are a number of health effects associated with drinking water.

iGene Passport

iGene offers you an insight into your personal risks of developing conditions and tells you whether drinking sufficient water may be particularly important for you to help prevent certain conditions. In addition, an iGene Passport provides you with information on what else you can do to reduce any risks. Here we focus on behaviour that will help you maximise the benefits to your health. In the publication below you can read more about what iGene can do for you.

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